Saturday, August 23, 2008

The IATSE 480 50% Discount

Maybe you've seen our letter in the IATSE 480 monthly newsletter -- and if you have, thanks for checking us out, spreading the word, and signing up.

We'd like to remind everyone of our IATSE480 50% discount -- all IATSE480 members who join in any category can take 50% off their registration total! Its our way of saying thanks to the people who make up the backbone of the New Mexico Film Industry. The secret discount code is in last month's IATSE newsletter - if you can't find it just send us an email at Please note that you have to be a member in good standing of the Union to take advantage of this discount. We double check. With the discount, you can get on starting at only $39.50 for an entire year! You can list as CREW, and/or any production-supporting side businesses such as equipment rentals, restaurants, vacation homes, hotels, and more! There's over 350 categories of businesses that can join and network on

In addition to all the other networking tools you you receive as a member - such as your own mini-website with your own web address
ie - all new members of get a NM Film Industry blog announcement where we introduce you to our site users/blog readers, with your bio, and explanation of what you do, your photo or a logo, and we optimize it for Google Search so that your name starts being indexed by Google.

Have any questions? Call us anytime at (866) 986-8884, or email us at - New Mexico's Premiere Film Industry Resource. Oh yea.