Monday, August 25, 2008

Leanne Chattey is the Newest Member

A special Crew welcome to Leanne Chattey who joined last week in the NM film industry Production Support/Personal Services section.

Leanne is a Santa Fe based practitioner of the Trager Approach - a massage-like technique that uses gentle, non-intrusive, natural movements that help release deep-seated physical and mental patterns. It is deeply relaxing, increases physical mobility, and mental clarity. The patterns may have developed in response to accidents, illnesses, or any kind of physical or emotional trauma, including the stress of everyday life (like working 85 hours per week on a film set). It's simply brilliant - and amazingly gentle.

We've experienced Leanne's healing hands and can attest to her amazing skills. We were so relaxed after our session that we nearly crashed the car on the way home. Leanne's practice is based in the Santa Fe Soul healing center in Santa Fe - an amazing place in itself - with 28 different practitioners of dozens of modalities.

See Leanne's Crew New Mexico page here