Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's New in New Mexico Film

Today we've launched the 4th edition of the New Mexico Movie News, and it's going out to 11,000 filmmakers and film supporting businesses in NM, LA, and, well, everywhere else.

It's our way of helping showcase New Mexico and all that it offers to productions, and also a way to help keep New Mexico residents up to date on what's happening in their industry.

As an incentive-based industry, we like to make sure everyone knows what's what and who's who and what those little yellow signs around your neighborhood might mean. And its also important for us to insure that those who support us have information and visibility on what's happening in the world of New Mexico film.

We'd like to send a special thank you to all those New Mexico residents and business owners who have contacted us voicing your support for the film incentives, and we thank those who have also written, called, and faxed your legislators.

Working together, we can strengthen the industry and keep New Mexico as one of the world's leading places to make a movie.