Marvel's The Avengers is in pre-production and will be shooting in New Mexico through 2011.
While industry estimates vary, the production expenditure is projected to be at least $140 million dollars, making it the largest shoot in the history of New Mexico film.
Productions of this size have a significant impact on our economy. They hire New Mexico crew, use our production services, and cast our talent. They stay at our hotels and furnished homes, eat our food, and shoot our locations.
For several thousand individuals and hundreds of businesses, the economic impact is significant and evidence of how critical film has become to the New Mexico economy.
Be sure to tell our site listees that "You saw them on Crew," and let us know how we can help serve you or your upcoming production. If you're listed on our directory, please be sure your account is current and active.
And, of course, if you have a product, service, skill, or message you want the film world to know about, email us at or call (505) 930-0443!
Read The Avengers press release from the NM Film office here!
Our Google Advertising, as well as our key-word rich website helps keep the first point of reference and contact for the New Mexico film industry. Click the map below to see the traffic we receive in just two mornings this week.
So many NM crew have asked if we'd lower our rates or offer more special deals for annual listings. You've told us: We want better rates and need more exposure in the film industry. And we're listening, and will help you to join now.
Now thru November 5th we're offering an unprecedented 50% discount for all listees in the CREW section of our site, and an extra 10% off for the first 25 people to get signed up!
You get your own film website starting at just $32/year* - a serious deal, especially when you consider:
You get indexed in google and will be found with a quick online search
Your page is live 24/7. No passwords required to view our site
You'll be intensively searched from within New Mexico and from film destinations nationwide, including Louisiana, Michigan, and Georgia
You can be Union or Non-Union to list with us
We get nearly 8,000 site searches per month from around the industry
80% of our listees come back for a 2nd or 3rd year on our site!
Listing with us is a great step towards increased industry visibility and taking control of your film career. To join, simply enter NMCREW in the promo code line during online registration for your savings, or call or email us to get set up!
Congratulations on taking a great step for your film future. We hope you take advantage of this special rate. Join now.
If these films sound familiar, then so might the name VENUS KANANI. She, along with her partner Mary Vernieu at Betty Mae Casting, helped cast these New Mexico-based films.
Rene Russo, Nicholas Cage, Guy Pearce, Megan Fox, Mickey Rourke, Bill Murray, Heather Graham, Kevin Spacey, Cameron Diaz, James Marsden, Jason Bateman, Mila Kunis, Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper and many more . . . familiar names that Venus has cast in 17 films since 2009!
She is a pro with tons of working & professional experience to share. Venus has developed an affection for New Mexico actors, and is excited about the opportunity to work with you.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to spend quality time focusing on your auditioning skills with one of the industry's top casting pros, and step out of the workshop with the confidence to truly Nail Your Auditions!
Time: Sunday, October 17 · 4:00pm - 6:00pm Location: Albuquerque Studios~ Stage 7 5650 University Blvd. SE Albuquerque, NM
Zia Pueblo doubles as the MIddle East in "Brothers." Bobby Foster Road transmutes into a post-apocolyptic hell in "The Book of Eli." The Sands Motel transforms into a bloodbath in "No Country For Old Men."
Who makes these location choices? How does New Mexico double for hundreds of places around the world? How does location affect the look and feel of a story?
Find out when they are hired and how they are inspired!
Hear about their best AND worst location experiences, and then watch the end result on the projection screen.
Get some inside tips on locations for your own project!
See if Locations could be your next career!
Event Schedule: 3:30PM- 4:00PM Press only
4:00PM- 4:30PM Open to NMWIF members and guests. Mix, mingle, eat and drink!
4:30PM- 5:30PM Panelist presentation with intro by Carrie Wells, Assistant Film Liason, Albuquerque Film Office
5:30PM- 6:00PM Q&A with panel guests
Food and drink from Flying Star Cafe graciously provided by 1680PR
Nancy Klopper is one of the most successful, knowledgeable, and actor friendly casting directors in the business - and she's hosting a workshop in New Mexico October 9th and 10th! Don't Miss out!
With an incredible roster of casting credits including RISKY BUSINESS, LOVE RANCH, FANTASTIC FOUR, RAY, PROOF OF LIFE, OFFICE SPACE, THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, DOLORES CLAIBORNE, THE RIVER WILD, AGAINST ALL ODDS, this one-day auditioning and training class will help you learn the skills you need to "Get the job!"
You may have had the opportunity to meet Nancy during casting for LOVE RANCH, but here is your chance to really get to know her and directly benefit from her years of experience working with actors.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to work with and learn from someone with an unsurpassed understanding of the audition process.
Don't miss this very special event. Space is extremely limited. Register for your Saturday or Sunday workshop now! Call (713) 201-1245 or email
When: Saturday or Sunday, Oct. 9 or 10 10am-5pm (Choose your day!) Where: Spirit Production Studios 10 Rudy Rodriguez Drive Santa Fe, NM 87508 Cost: $160! Payment: By credit card via PayPal, or check to made out and mailed to: The Natural Act 53 Sandia Haven Dr Cedar Crest, NM 87008 Contact: For more information, questions or to register, contact Price Hall at (713) 201-1245, or via email at
Watch the films. Meet the filmmakers. Learn from industry pros. Party at the hottest venues in town!
Five jam-packed days of movies, music, indie workshops and panels led by Hollywood Insiders from Warner Bros. Sony, Regent, Cruise/Wagner, HBO and more!
Here's just some of what you can expect...
· Director Monte Hellman attends to receive the AFF Maverick Award and screen his critically acclaimed film, Two-Lane Blacktop - Opening Night, Wednesday, August 25
· Actress America Ferrera and Director Ryan Piers Williams attend to present their new film, The Dry Land - Thursday, August 26
· Screening of First Snow starring Guy Pierce, with academy-award winning writer Mark Fergus (Children of Men, Iron Man, Cowboys & Aliens) in attendance for Q&A - Friday, August, 27
· Acting workshop with W. Earl Brown star of HBO's Deadwood
· Industry panel including academy-award winning producer of The Hurt Locker, Tony Mark
· Filmmakers Boot Camp presented by Michael Wiese
Visit for trailers, films, workshop & panel descriptions & to purchase tickets.
Questions? Call (505) 254-4638
hip. cool. funny. strange. social change. Don't miss it!
"The Marvelous Misadventures of Maximillian Gunn and Jewel Cassidey" by: Fire Born Films genre: Adventure Serial
"MonoType" by: Pancho Segway genre: Time Travel/Doppelganger
"Pool Shark" by: The In-Famous El Guapos genre: Thriller
"The Space Adventures of Little Hispanic Boy and Ginger” by: L.A.M.E. Productions genre: Adventure Serial
Tickets may be purchased in 3 ways:
1. Online at ticketmaster. (credit card required, $2.50 surcharge plus $3.10 per order ). 2. At the KiMo Box Office. Tuesday - Saturday, 8:30 am- 4:30 pm (cash or credit card, no fees applied). 3. Available before the screenings (cash only). Please arrive early to avoid the line.
Producer Darlene Hansen is teaching acting workshops on Tuesday nights from 7-10pm.
Her classes meet twice a month and the next class is Tuesday, August 3rd.
She teaches Method Acting and will show you how to break down a script and how to audition for TV, Movies, and Stage Productions. You can reserve your spot for the class by calling (505) 268-0530.
We love to see how many people come and search - both from within the state, and around the production world. We get nearly 10,000 site visitors/month, and lots of great high quality traffic! Our easy-to use interface is an industry favorite!
As an independently owned business, we know the importance of creating strategic alliances that help benefit our community, and that's why we're a huge fan of the Santa Fe Alliance. We've never encountered a more dynamic and creative group that works for the strengthening of our economy through networking, embracing new methods of business, and helping keep people aware of the power of spending dollars locally.
Anyone who has ever worked with film professionals or a production shooting in town can attest to the economic benefits that production business can bring to a small business. One client can make a whole month, one production can make a whole year.
One of the benefits of the New Mexico film incentive program is that it rewards out-of-state productions for shopping locally - with a 25% cash rebate. We don't want all those goods and services coming in from California - we want them to be sourced locally.
And that's why exists. Our directory helps bridge the gap between productions/film professionals and locally owned businesses and providers of goods and services.
To help give Santa Fe owned businesses a big boost in visibility to the film industry, we've arranged a special 50% discount for members of the Santa Fe Alliance to list on at small-biz friendly rates. Now through August 15, any member of the Alliance can list on starting at just $39/year. You'll receive your very own movie webpage with all of your business information!
To take advantage, simply enter SFA50 in the promotional code line during online registration, or contact directly at (505) 930-0443.
To see the list of business and skill types our directory supports, click here. Don't see a category that fits your business? Contact us and we'll add it for you!
$39 accounts show up in the lower tier of search results. You may also upgrade to a Premium Account ($25 additional) which appears the top tier of search results, in a unique, bold, text box. To see the difference, click here! Both accounts include being listed in one skill or service. To list in additional skills/services, the cost is $12.50/skill. Offer expires August 15th, 2010. You must be a current member of the Santa Fe Business Alliance to qualify.
Green Drinks and the Santa Fe Alliance are inviting the community, especially those of you in the film industry and local business owners, to a special Green Drinks Pool Party at Bishop’s Lodge Resort & Spa in Santa Fe for an organic and fun summer event you won’t forget.
Guest speaker Holly Roach is the owner of Green Production Resource, a business she created to “supply knowledge, products and equipment to lessen the impact of film and event production on the planet” and specifically in New Mexico. We also hope to introduce the film industry folks to Santa Fe’s local business owners and community that can help supply them with their film location needs.
Bishop’s Lodge has preserved the history and the property that was founded in 1853 by a young French missionary priest, Jean Baptiste Lamy. The Lodge’s seasonal rituals and sustainability measures are dedicated to preserving the heritage, beauty and traditions of that land and our planet. Learn more at the pre-Green Drinks tour of the grounds of Bishop’s Lodge featuring their water reclamation and treatment system that has been in place for around 50 years. This closed-loop, recycled water system includes waterfalls and fish-ponds.
An heirloom garden was recently planted—a cross-section of tomatoes, squash, corn, herbs and more, bringing back the seeds made famous in the 1916 World Fair. Visit the fruit orchards—apricot, apple, plum, walnut, crabapple—with the rarest, heirloom cuttings that were brought over from France in the 1890’s. Check out the new vineyard with cuttings from a 100-year old vine.
Speaking of wine, cocktail hour will begin at 6:30, and Bishop’s Lodge will offer their own label of wines, a selection of locally brewed beers, their infused vodkas and more. At 7:00 pm, we begin with a brief presentation from Santa Fe Alliance, Bishop’s Lodge and guest speaker Holly Roach. Chef Carmen Rodriguez is dedicated to supporting local growers and is a proud participant of the SF Alliance’s Farm to Restaurant project. He will share a sampling of freshly prepared appetizers and will create a special Green Drinks menu that folks can order from, cooked right there by the pool. Or head up to the terrace and enjoy a three-course prix fixe meal from Las Fuentes Restaurant. (See menu below)
Entrance is free but the drinks, food and tips are not covered, so please plan on supporting Bishop’s Lodge wonderful hospitality. To make reservations for the dinner at Las Fuentes, please call 983-6377.
James Maldonado Trio, a funky jazz trio, will be playing from 6-9.
The Santa Fe Alliance is a non-profit membership organization devoted to building a strong, local, living economy, which ensures that economic power resides locally and sustains vibrant, livable communities and healthy ecosystems.
Green Drinks is a grassroots phenomenon occurring in more that 615 cities worldwide where sustainability minded folks get together to mingle and have a drink. Our mission is to create community among environmentally minded people, establish a forum for learning about developing green topics and to inspire each other to live as lightly on the planet as possible.
Bishop’s Lodge Resort & Spa is provides lodging, spa facilities, first-class dining, horseback riding, and special events, even Green Weddings! Check out their website at
Green Drinks passed app menu at the pool
Smoke Artichoke Mousse on toasted rye cracker Tequila Cured Salmon on open face fortune cookie Talus wind Lamb Skewer with red chile honey glaze Artisan cheese platter Vegetable Platter with Green Chile Yogurt Ranch Dip
3 Course Dinners at Las Fuentes First Course Roasted Beet Carpaccio with Organic Arugula and Radish Sprouts Reduced Apple Balsamic Vinegar
Second Course Choice of Red Chile Honey Glazed Leg of Lamb Farmers market potato gratin and Calabacitas
Mexican Chocolate Tostada $19.95 per person (tax and gratuity NOT included)
WHO: Green Drinks and the Santa Fe Alliance WHAT: Green Drinks Pool Party at Bishop’s Lodge WHEN: July 23, Friday 5:30 Tour, 6:30 Drinks, 7:00 Presentation WHERE: Bishop’s Lodge Resort & Spa, 1297 Bishop’s Lodge Road, By the pool COST: Free entrance. Money for bar, food and tips are required. To make reservations for the dinner at Las Fuentes, please call 983-6377. HOW: Get a designated driver and come on down! Call 989-5362 for questions.
July 14th, The state film office will present the New Mexico Film Makers Showcase winners at Mountain Annie’s Dinner Theater in Ruidoso from 5 pm to 9 pm. Trish Lopez, from the state film office will present these films made in New Mexico by New Mexicans. Click here for details
July 15th Film Lincoln County NM is sponsoring a meet and greet for people in the film industry in Lincoln county and surrounding areas. This will be in Capitan at Oso Art Gallery from 5:30 to 7:30. This is an opportunity for people in the industry to meet one another and for us to find out who is here. Click here for details!
August 26th at the Spencer Theater , a film industry symposium. This event will bring speakers from the state film office, Screen Actor’s Guild, International Alliance of Theatrical and Stagehand Employees,, New Mexico Women in Film, ENMU-Ruidoso, ENMU-Roswell and more. We will be inviting local and regional politicians to attend (and of course an invitation will go out to the governor.) Click here to learn more!
Forty two teams of local filmmakers hit the hot Albuquerque streets to make a film in one weekend. Come see what they've done! After the films celebrate with us at the Blackbird Buvette. This will be a fun evening with the film-making teams in attendance. We hope you will join us.
The Screenings will take place at the KiMo Theater, 423 Central Ave. NW Albuquerque, N.M. 87102
Group A Films will screen on Thursday, Jul 15 at 6:30 PM Group B Films will screen on Fri. Jul 16 at 6:00 PM Group C Films will screen on Fri. Jul 16 at 8:15 PM Group D Films will screen on Sun. Jul 18, 2010 6:00 PM Best of 2010 48 Hour Film Project Sat. Aug 7 at 7:00 PM
TICKETS: Tickets are $10, on sale at the theater before the screenings. Cash only, please. DISCOUNTS: $17 package for 2 separate screenings, $30 to attend all 4 screening.
The DCS 2010 Gala Premiere is Sat. Jul. 31, 7 pm at UNM's Popejoy Hall, and tickets are on sale now!
All seats are reserved (so don't plan on bringing your whole wardrobe to save an entire row of seats for your friends and family -- that's not gonna work).
How to get your tickets
In Person (no fees) at: UNM Ticket Office at Bookstore, Tues-Fri 10a-6p LOBO Ticket Office, University & Ave Cesar Chavez, M-F 8:30a-5p Arts Ticket Office, Popejoy Hall, 1.5 hrs before event until 15 min after event starts
Albertsons: Albuquerque, Los Lunas, Rio Rancho and Santa Fe stores
(fine print: convenience fees apply to online, phone and Albertsons ticket purchases)
Check out the Duke City Shootout Online! For more details about the Duke City Shootout and our 10th anniversary, check out our website at
This is the perfect class for someone who is ready to explore the exciting world of acting on camera. Get the vital info on all of the basics as you work on camera every class: auditioning, cold reading, commercials, movies, television shows, and what to expect when you’re on set. We will also discuss networking, resumes, head shots, finding an agent, and gaining access to auditions. Class is limited to 10 students. Enroll now, this class filled quickly last semester! Some our past Guest Visitors Include: Darlene Hansen- Casting Director Lenni Davey- Applause Talent Agency, Owner Carmen Martinez- Casting Director and Talent Agent Chad Mathis- Local Entertainment Lawyer Ages 18 and up Wednesdays 6: 30 pm-8: 30 pm Cost: $185.00 (plus applicable tax) Location: The Source ( Nob Hill area) 1111 Carlisle SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
In 2005, Gerry Fuentes lost his job as a home health care provider in New Mexico. With film production in New Mexico booming, Fuentes thought he'd try his hand at some of the below the line opportunities that seemed to be coming up everywhere. It was a decision that wound up turning his life around.
"I'm able to have a good job, get out of debt and have medical insurance," says Fuentes, who has worked as a background actor, greensman and prop maker on many different productions, including "3:10 to Yuma." "Having this work has completely changed my standard of living."
Former residential home builder Jim Twocrow, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe and originally from South Dakota, began retraining to work in the film business in 2005 at his brother's suggestion. At the time, Twocrow hesitated a little because the home market was also booming. Now, he couldn't be happier he left it when he did.
We love to discover and promote great new products and services for our friends in the New Mexico Film Industry - and here's two (from the same company) that you need to know about. Spread the word! has arranged for discounted production and personal parking at FastPark and Relax at the Albuquerque International Sunport (airport). All you need to do is go online and register for a free FastPark rewards card and you'll get a great discounted parking rate, your own parking card for quick in/out, and you'll earn points toward free parking. These guys are really professional and have taken something as ordinary and elevated to a high level of service. Covered parking, free bottled water, free newspapers, and the most affordable parking rates you'll find.
Secondly, you can set up a Production Parking Account. Allows you to expense, track, and apply parking costs for the 25% rebate. You designate who from your production get's a parking card - and the rest is handled automatically. Track in/out, get reports for costs, billing statements - easy!
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- Whether you are interested in making a name for yourself in the film industry or are on the production side looking for talent, crew, a location, industry-supporting vendors, or the best place to house your actor while they are on a shoot, you need look no further.New Mexico's premier film industry resource,, is where you can find all your answers.
Home to a booming film industry, New Mexico offers locals many opportunities to shine in a variety of movies and television productions.For example, the film "Let Me In" will need over 500 background extras, meaning job opportunities for many people. In addition, most movies need around 100 on-set crew members, and the support of dozens of companies and hundreds of individuals that provide services to that particular film.
Founder of, Daniel Taras, recently provided more insight, not only into the industry as a whole but also to what other opportunities are coming for New Mexicans that would like to work in the film industry.
You are the founder of did you get into this industry?
I’ve always had an entrepreneurial life, but also a creative one. Photographer, professional writer and editor, traveler, safari guide, documentary cameraman.
When I started working in New Mexico film, I kept hearing the same question: “How do I get involved in the film industry?” Another big question – this one from the production side -was “Where can we find who and what we need to make this movie?” I decided to answer both questions at the same time.
I felt that if we were to grow into the major film destination that’s been envisioned for New Mexico, we needed to have a production resource commensurate with the scope of what was happening. Since the film industry is largely here due to tax funded film incentives, I also wanted to ensure that the citizens of New Mexico have a way to feel informed and involved in the industry that’s right in their backyard. In a state that is as large as New Mexico, with a population spread so far and wide, I also saw a great need for networking and connectivity.
In just one year, we’ve added over 600 New Mexico individuals and businesses to our directory, receive around 10,000 site visitors per month, and send out our New Mexico Movie News industry newsletter to 8,000 filmmakers. Based on those numbers, I know we’re doing it right.
What sets apart from other similar companies? was built from the ground up as a dynamic and interactive online tool that takes advantage of how business and networking are done in the year 2009. There have been print directories in the past, but they are expensive to publish and use a lot of natural resources to deliver a final product that is often out-of-date. is built on sustainable principles. We use very few natural resources. We only use digital format in all of our communications. No printed mailings, no print-outs, no fax machine. We can telecommute. We had a visit from an office supply salesman who wanted to set up an account for us. I said, “Nothing personal, but we don’t use office supplies.” You’d be amazed at how it helps minimize overhead and lessen environmental impact. All those paper clips come from somewhere.
In two years since the inception of we’ve used a total of 5 packs of printer paper and a few ink cartridges. I never go to Staples. I have 3 printers collecting dust in the closet if you want one.
What has been your best experience, thus far, in the film industry?
The amazing interaction I have with such a wide variety of New Mexico film people and businesses – that’s the most rewarding. In one day, I can be doing business with an actor, caterer, grip, realtor, lawyer, location, hotel, producer and ice-delivery man. It’s like a Mr. Rogers tour through the economy.
Being in a place where we can bring together such a wide variety of people and services, all with the ultimate goal of helping make great movies and helping keep business flowing – that’s the best experience. Our goal is to make sure that anyone considering shooting in New Mexico is fully informed of the amazing array of talent, goods and services available to them. And for local individuals and businesses to have an opportunity to be involved.
I also love seeing people I know on screen or in the film credits. That’s brilliant.
What advice would you give to aspiring actors?
Hone your craft. Follow your heart. Get great headshots. Life is short. Live your passion. If you’re not doing what makes you happy, you’re wasting very precious time. Whatever happens, you’ll be richer for the experience.
What should people who want to get a foot in the door avoid doing?
I always go by the 3 Ps. Be polite, professional and persistent. Oh, and if you do get on a movie set, never run. It looks like you forgot something.
As an extra or a cast member, what should one expect as a typical day?
Days on a set are long, usually never less than 12 hours, up to 16 or more. In New Mexico, weather conditions can swing wildly, so be prepared. If you’re going to be an extra, bring snacks, a book, and a pillow for your bottom because you might spend half the day waiting for your scene.
Making movies reminds me of football games. They spend a lot of time preparing for the next scene, and then there’s only a few seconds of action. Now I know why people drink so much beer on Superbowl Sunday.
What would you like to see happen in the NM film industry in the next few years?
New Mexico is becoming synonymous with film-making, and that’s free advertising for us as a movie-making state. The longer the industry is here, the deeper its financial impact and the more ingrained it becomes into our economic culture.
Productions are here largely because of financial incentives. Keeping the New Mexico film incentives competitive is critical to the ongoing success of the industry, and we need to keep proving to the citizens of New Mexico that having film as an economic backbone for the state is a rare and amazing opportunity. I have 600 people in my directory alone who are involved in film, and a lot of them make a great living.
There’s talk of new film studios, a tentative opening of Santa Fe Studios, and a deepening of the industry to include digital media, gaming, and more post-production. Plus, citizens around the state are rallying to bring production to their cities. That’s all good news.
Is there anything specific coming up that people should know about right now?
There are currently six projects shooting in New Mexico, including Due Date starring Robert Downey Jr., Breaking Bad, starring Bryan Cranston, and Passion Play starring Megan Fox and Mickey Rourke.
You can stay up to date on what’s happening in the New Mexico by reading our New Mexico Film Blog (, and our Who’s Filming Now ( pages.
Of course, using our directory (, or contacting us directly, is an excellent way to help you get set-up for a scouting trip or production.
Do you have a favorite scene in a movie or a favorite line from a movie?
Any scene and any line from “When Harry Met Sally.” And, of course, anything made in New Mexico.
Conci Bergere Kenney Althouse, a 2007 graduate from Monte del Sol Charter School has been accepted to the Cinematography Conservatory Masters Program at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles, CA. At the age of 20, she is the youngest applicant to be accepted to this prestigious Institution.
As an independent filmmaker in Santa Fe, Conci has made dozens of films, including two feature films, which were accepted into the Santa Fe Film Festival as well as other prestigious film festivals.
American Film Institute trains the next generation of filmmakers at its world-renowned Conservatory. AFI is the birthplace for the creative minds behind classic films such as Saving Private Ryan, Schindlers List, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Last Temptation of Christ. A silent auction with music and hors d'oeuvres will be held at Warehouse 21 on June 24th at 5 PM. A large collection of fine art including paintings, photography, silver work and blown glass will be offered for auction. As a creative force in the Santa Fe Arts Community, many artists from Santa Fe and around the nation are donating their art to help Conci offset the sizable cost of attending this Masters Program.
The Santa Fe Community is invited to attend the silent auction on June 24 at 5 PM. This is an opportunity to help one of Santa Fe’s great young talents and bring the leading edge of the cinema arts back to Santa Fe. After graduating from AFI, Conci intends to return to Santa Fe to continue working with her independent film company, Sane Asylum Productions.
Fundraiser June 24th, 5pm-10pm@ Warehouse 21 1614 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87505, (505) 690-4577 for more information
We welcome you to a special screening of "Tales of the Maya Skies," a fulldome film co-produced by UNM's ARTS Lab. Please join us to celebrate the work of renowned New Mexico professionals like Hue Walker and Michael Stearns - and rising-star Jonathan Strawn - as well as the fabulous student artists and technologists who contributed greatly to this unique production. Meet these merry makers and see this NSF-funded immersive film on the astronomy and culture of the Maya on the big dome:
Wednesday, July 7th 5:30pm reception; 6:30 screening (40 minutes) The Planetarium at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science (aka LodeStar) 1801 Mountain Rd, NW, ABQ
**The film opens to the public July 2nd at the Planetarium. Please help us spread the word to get as many New Mexicans to see this film as possible! Learn more at:
The Director of Development will be responsible for developing and implementing the development strategy for the Notah Begay III (NB3) Foundation.
The mission of the Notah Begay III Foundation is to promote the health, wellness and leadership development of Native American youth. The Foundation seeks to accomplish this mission by helping Tribal Nations to build the capacity to design and sustain effective sports, wellness and youth development programs for Native American youth.
As a new position in the NB3 Foundation, the Director of Development will have the opportunity to build the development function. The Director of Development will be responsible for designing and implementing all development systems and functions that will enable the NB3 Foundation to create a successful development department that will achieve the Foundation’s fundraising goals to support programs, organizational development and sustainability of the Foundation.
Thank you for registering for an acting account on We've received notice of your transaction and will be creating an account for you shortly.
Once we have your account ready, you'll receive an "Account Confirmation" email that will contain your account and login information which you'll use to add/edit information to your page.
You'll only need to contact us at this point if you've created the account for someone else and will want to have their name on the page. If that's the case, please email us the first name, last name, and email address of the lucky recipient!
If its after hours, please be patient as we're more lightly staffed in the evenings and it may take a few hours to get to your transaction.
We're thrilled to have you on board - and will be emailing you soon!
On Sunday June 27th the Santa Fe Film Festival invites you to join them for a day of great food, music, nature walks, and jeep tours when you can enjoy the beauty of the ranch that Val says “embodies the alluring natural majesty and splendor of the Southwest. “
Have a great time while supporting our Santa Fe Film Festival that brings money, culture, and awareness of Santa Fe’sunique beauty to the influx of outsiders who attend the festival.For tickets and information email Michael
Governor Bill Richardson today announced his continued support for film in New Mexico by awarding an additional $200,000 to the New Mexico Filmmakers Program.
The money will be used for filmmaker training and outreach programs including the New Mexico Filmmakers Showcase, the annual New Mexico Filmmakers Conference, the New Mexico Filmmakers Resource Center and various outreach events including the upcoming Native/Hispanic Film Tour.
“The variety of programs we offer local filmmakers is unparalleled in the rest of the country,” said Governor Bill Richardson. “The accolades our filmmakers are garnering speak to our talent level and the success of our programs. This is a clear indication that this industry has taken hold here, which means more jobs and more opportunities for our people and businesses.”
Under Governor Richardson’s leadership, the New Visions/New Mexico program has awarded a total of $640,000 in production funding to forty local filmmakers from around the state. Several filmmakers have used these awards to additionally leverage thousands of dollars in outside funding, and have had their films honored in top caliber film festivals around the world including the Sundance Film Festival, the Tribeca Film Festival, and the Rome International Film Festival.
Just a quick reminder... registration for the Albuquerque 48 Hour Film Project has steadily filling up and not many spots remain. The Early Bird registration rate ends today!
Save some dough and register your team now before we run out of room for you. Go to:
We're New Mexico's #1 film directory, with nearly 700 leading film-supporting vendors, crew and talent and 10,000 searches per month from across the industry! Plus, our New Mexico Movie News is the leading source of film and vendor information in the NM film world. What are you waiting for?
Our Sizzling Summer Specials expire Friday June 18th. Rates this good won't be coming around again any time soon, so don't delay - get listed today!
The Team (505) 930-0443
The NM Film Office will be conducting FILM TOURS around the state this week and next. Tobi Ives (from the film office) will be in Jicarilla Pueblo and Taos this week, while Trish Lopez will be visiting Silver City, Mescalero Apache and Valencia County next week. Anyone who is interested in learning about film training programs (above and below the line) and various job opportunities in the NM film industry should attend. All presentations are free and open to the public. See below for schedule:
JICARILLA/DULCE: Tuesday, June 8 – 5pm to 7pm Dulce Community Center on Hawks Drive - Gym
TAOS PUEBLO: Thursday, June 10 – 4pm to 6pm Red Willow Education Center – 885 Star Road, Taos 87571
SILVER CITY: Tuesday June 15 – 5pm to 7pm Grant County Conference Center – 3031 Hwy 180 East, 88061
VALENCIA COUNTY: Thursday, June 17 – 4:30pm to 6:30pm UNM Valencia Campus – Student Community Center, CSCC-H 108
MESCALERO APACHE: (Tentatively scheduled for June 16th – Details TBA)
As you know, this coming Friday and Saturday (June 11-12), we’ll be holding our first Film Finance & Distribution Conference (Part I: For Micro and Low Budget Filmmakers). A summary of the schedule is listed on the homepage By tomorrow, the entire schedule along with speakers’ bios and specific time frames will be posted on the homepage. One of the events we’ll be conducting on Saturday afternoon is a Pitch Workshop with Producer Suzanne Lyons, which will include a practice “pitch session” with a few local filmmakers. Those filmmakers will be chosen at random that afternoon. If you are interested in adding your name to the hat of those who’d like to pitch your project, please send and email with the following information to:
-Your Name -Title and genre of your project -E-mail and phone
As a filmmaker interested in the opportunity to pitch that day, you will need to:
-Be registered for the Conference (see NMFO website for RSVP info); -Be present for the entire pitch workshop on Saturday (currently scheduled from 4:30-6:30p); -Present your pitch in two minutes or less; -Be open to constructive feedback from our panelists.
As we’ll be conducting the pitch workshop first, you’ll learn a great deal of information and helpful tips for pitching prior to the mini-pitch. We welcome all who are interested to give it a shot. I think you’ll all find this year’s entire conference to be a wonderful forum for of information for local filmmakers. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Jacques Cousteau was an ocean pioneer. He inspired people around the globe through his explorations, bringing the underwater world to our homes. A devout marine conservationist, he long ago warned of the coming issues our oceans would face.
Around the world stories are told of growing up with Cousteau. His stories, TV shows, and written words are a part of all of us. His legacy and work have formed a collective heritage that we all share. It is through each of us that it will live on.
In honor of Cousteau’s century of influence, we are hosting a call for short video tributes. We seek video submissions 100-seconds in length, one second for each of the years since his birth. Be creative. Your 100-second video can be humorous or serious, poetic spoken word or a creative animation, underwater or above. Each 100-second video must be an original piece and a genuine reflection of how Cousteau has inspired you.
A total of 20 selections will be chosen by a film jury and woven into a video collage to premiere at the Ocean Inspiration event this fall 2010 in New York. The top winner will be flown to New York to attend this historical event.
ABQ Film Fest is currently accepting submissions for AFF 2010, which will take place August 26-29, 2010.
"This year we have partnered with film fest submission powerhouse If you do not currently have an account with them, please set one up (it’s free) as this will help you streamline the festival submission process.
This year we will host American Auteur Monte Hellman, with a retrospective of his work and several Q&A’s following the screenings. He’s often sighted as an influence by many well known directors and has worked with Jack Nicholson, Roger Corman and Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino has always admired Hellman’s work and originally asked him to direct Reservoir Dogs which Hellman eventually signed on as Executive Producer. Long revered in Europe, Hellman is rumored to be up for an award of his latest film “Road to Nowhere” (which he shot using the Canon 5D Mark II) at the Venice Film Festival but we will have him here in Albuquerque first.
Michael Weise, of MWP, the leading publisher of film related books will also be at the festival conducting film workshops with some of his leading authors. We will also hold a Filmmaker’s Boot Camp to cover the nuts and bolts approach to understanding how to use the latest technology to make your film even if you don’t have that millionaire uncle waiting to invest.
Graham Elwood of will host live podcasts from AFF. With a host of comedian friends and filmmakers, you never know who might so up. Graham came to Albuquerque this past October with comedian Doug Benson (Super High Me) to a packed UNM auditorium. Graham and friends will also host this year’s award ceremony to be held at official hotel sponsor Hotel Andaluz.
We are working hard to bring you an incredible film festival this August 25-29, 2010 with screenings held at the Kimo, Guild, Lobo and several other spots along historic Route 66. Stay tuned for further updates and announcements as we take this year’s festival to new heights!"
Narrative Features and Narrative Documentaries:
Early Deadline: May 31. Fee = $30 Regular Deadline: June 30. Fee = $40 Late Deadline: July 15. Fee = $50
Short Features and Short Documentaries and Other (Music Videos, Spec Commercials, Multimedia)
Early Deadline: May 31. Fee = $15 Regular Deadline: June 30. Fee = $20 Late Deadline: July 15. Fee = $25