Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Mexico Film Business

Build Your Business

Film in New Mexico, and
nation-wide, is as competitive as ever. There are now over 40 states with some degree of film incentive, and they're all clamoring for the same production dollars.

We believe the film community in New Mexico is critical to helping build and strengthen our brand as a film destination. When you have a strong company or are a crew member are trained to the highest levels, and you meet or exceed expectations of your clients or employers, you're doing much to strengthen our reputation.

To that end, is dedicating space in the Movie News to providing helpful tips, articles, or services that assist in building your business or career. When you see the Wrong Way/Success logo, you'll know its something dedicated to this goal. This month, and for the next two editions, we'll be featuring marketing and business tips from New Mexico's leading branding and marketing guru, Lucy Rosen.

Good Luck!